Frequently Asked Questions
Master Plan Changes and Stage 1 Development FAQ (May 2024)
The key changes to the Approved Future Intentions Plan are:
- Building A reduced to 2 Storeys with a resulting increase to the footprint.
–Previous height and footprint 4 Storeys, 1,696m2
–Revised height and footprint 2 Storeys, 3,043m2 (maximum).
- Production Hall Workshop and amenities moved forward to Stage 1
–In the original location of the Student Production Hall.
- Student Production Hall A has been moved to the opposite side of the driveway and the size marginally increased.
–Previous footprint 864m2
–Revised footprint 1,334m2.
- Student Accommodation has been removed from Stage 1
–Future accommodation remains as planned.
- Increased surface level parking and extended student boulevard through to Building A student entry.
–Previous onsite surface level parking 23 spaces + overflow use of adjacent Canberra Technology Park carpark.
–Traffic and parking calculations are currently being re-assessed and revised by traffic consultant based on the revisions to stage 1.
- Timeline adjusted for commencement dates of stage 1 & 2.
–Aiming to submit DA for Stage 1 later this year that reflects the revised Future Intentions Plan.
-Around November 2024 to March 2025, we hope to have DA and BA Approvals granted, and would commence the development of Stage 1 in April 2025, with an anticipated completion before December 2026.
-Stage 2 Development would commence by 2029.
-Stage 3 Development would commence by 2036 as originally planned with overall completion Prior to January 2040.
The Landscaping Master Plan has been updated to reflect the modifications to Stage 1 of the development and is based on an updated Tree Assessment conducted in May 2024. See pages 14 – 27 of the Draft Revised Future Intentions Plan 17 May 2024 to view the proposed revisions.
- Page 17 depicts the revised landscaping plan which shows the combination of proposed trees and existing trees.
- Page 26 depicts existing trees and proposed tree removals.
As a result of the need to reduce the building A height to 2 storeys, the proposed removal of trees is increased throughout stage 1. Under the new Urban Forest Act, these trees need to either be replaced on site at a ratio of around 2:1, or if this cannot be achieved a canopy contribution payment will need to be made to offset their removal.
Stage 1 car parking provision has been increased on the proposed revisions to the Campus Master Plan to meet AIE's individual assessment of parking demand.
There are approximately 50 car parks proposed in the immediate forecourt of building A, with a further 31 bridging the Stage 1 and Stage 2 sites.
Additionally, AIE is proposing to continue its current use of the existing 150 space Canberra Technology Park car park (subject to ACT Government approval) until the commencement of the final stage of development which provides basement level parking.
On this basis, AIE will have access to over 200 parking spaces at the conclusion of Stage 1 Development which is a 33% increase on the current available parking.
During construction of Stage 1, a site management plan will be in place to manage contractor parking arrangements.
Overall, at the end of the 3 stage development, there will be the approved level of car parking for students, staff and visitors. Active travel and public transport will be encouraged and facilitated.
The setbacks do not encroach on future garden city cycle route and pavements as the 6 m setback has been calculated from the site boundary. There is a further 14 m approximate verge to the road from the site boundary on Phillip Avenue and a further 5 –6 m approximate verge to the road from the site boundary on Windeyer Street.
There is a minor intrusion of less than 1 m2 over the site boundary on the corner of Phillip Avenue and Windeyer Street because of the curved boundary line which does not encroach on the cycle path or pavement. This means that Building A on Windeyer Street is more than 11m from the road and that all Phillip Avenue facing buildings are more than 20 m from the road.
As part of the development of the approved Future Intentions Plan, a high-level Traffic Impact Assessment was undertaken by a qualified traffic engineer. The report found that “under the estimated future traffic demands, the Phillip Avenue / Windeyer Street is expected to continue to operate with significant available capacity.
The anticipated Stage 1 car parking demand against proposed car parking provision is based on an individual needs assessment. Demand has been reduced due to the deferral of Student Accommodation from Stage 1 and the reduced GFA of Building A. An experienced Traffic Engineer is currently undertaking a Traffic Impact Assessment Report to validate that the proposed parking meets ACT Government requirements.
The revised Building A design can accommodate a maximum of 225 AIE students concurrently. Timetabling and blended (online/face-to-face) delivery modes further mitigate the number of students on site at the same time. AIE anticipates that approximately 100 AIE students are likely to be on site concurrently during campus operating hours.
Student numbers will increase over time, reaching an anticipated 600 students by 2040. The staged development also provides the opportunity for AIE to re-assess requirements at each stage throughout the Campus Master Plan to make any necessary adjustments to the number of basement level parking spaces.
See also “Parking – where are the parking spaces likely to be?”
AIE’s proposed student accommodation cannot exceed the specified limits in the Lease and Precinct Deed.
The Draft Revisions to the Future Intentions Plan depict a deferment in student accommodation until stages 2 and 3 of the development.
The total combined gross floor area of student accommodation on both blocks combined (cannot exceed 18,800 square meters. The stage 2 and 3 student accommodation components on the Future Intentions plan could cater for approximately 380 students, which is a reduction from the proposed 600 beds previously proposed for the combined 3 stages. However, AIE reserves the right to revisit this in the future to achieve its maximum potential.
The original footprint of all buildings combined for stage 1 was 4,626 m2
The revised footprint of all buildings combined for stage 1 is proposed to be a maximum of 5,355 m2. The size of building A could potentially be reduced further before the DA submission, however, the maximum proposed size has been depicted in the Draft Revised Future Intentions Plan.
Stage 2 and 3 building footprints remain the same.
See "How have the modifications impacted the landscaping on the corner of Phillip Ave and Windeyer Street?"
See “AIE Student and staff contribution to increased traffic on Phillip Avenue”.
Appropriate student amenities such as a café/restaurant will be an important feature of the site. AIE’s primary focus for stage 1 development is to tailor any inclusions to meet student demand, and they will also be accessible to the public.
As the student and staff population increases, additional amenities will be considered and incorporated into other buildings on the site to service the diverse Campus population and avoid placing strain on the existing shopping centre. Possible examples are wellbeing services, gym, additional food and beverage options.
Future Intentions Plan FAQ (November 2020)
Yes, AIE will now consult with the community about its future intentions plan for the site, as part of the agreement with ACT Government.
Read the ACT Government's media announcement by clicking here.
Yes. The government has decided to:
• Retain responsibility for public green space on the site, including any upgrade and ongoing maintenance.
• Enter into direct negotiations with AIE with a view to reaching agreement on the terms for a direct sale of land to AIE.
• Demolish and remediate the buildings on the site, prior to the sale of the land.
Learn more by visiting the ACT Government's Your Say website by clicking here.
For more information, please visit the ACT Governments Your Say website by clicking here.
Or read the ACT Government's media release - Supporting local jobs, education and innovation through AIE Agreement.
The adjoining green space will be retained by the ACT Government. Transport Canberra and City Services (TCCS) is investigating upgrade options for the green space consistent with feedback received during the 2018 community consultation process, and will progress further engagement with the community about the nature and scale of proposed upgrades.
The upgrade will include two new multi-purpose courts within the community green space, with AIE making a significant contribution to the cost of the new courts.
Learn more by visiting the ACT Government's Your Say website by clicking here.
Our proposal to the ACT government included two conceptual plans to meet the requirements of the application process. However, our plans are flexible and will depend on consultation with the wider community and other stakeholder groups including tenants, students and industry.
Furthermore, we are required to seek input from the National Capital Design Review Panel (NCDRP) on our design. We met with the NCDRP in October and are currently in the process of modifying our proposed layout to take into consideration their valuable feedback. Once this process is completed, we will be in a position to seek broader community feedback.
A development could only take place after a development application is lodged and approved. The AIE would undertake extensive community consultation prior to lodging any DA.
As part of our agreement with the ACT Government, AIE's first building, or stage of buildings is to be completed prior to December 2024.
Community consultation is not only a requirement of our agreement with the ACT Government, but an opportunity for AIE to set appropriate community and stakeholder expectations and receive meaningful feedback. The feedback you provide will ultimately help improve our design outcomes and future intentions plan.
Our community consultation program commences on Monday the 30th of November 2020 with a briefing of key stakeholder groups to outline our consultation program.
We want to make sure that consultation is representative of the whole communities’ views and you can learn more about our program on the consultation page of this website, or by clicking here.
We intend to use a variety of inclusive methods including information sessions, focus groups, surveys, and dissemination of information via letterbox drops and social media.
We have engaged the services of Tania Parkes Consulting to help us ensure this is a well coordinated and meaningful process.
The AIE must lodge their future intentions plan with the ACT Government by the 31st of March 2021. If approved, the AIE will commence further work on its plans and will begin the more detailed pre Development Application Community Consultation Process.
The development will be staged over a number of years up until project completion in 2040.
Features of the site will include:
- AIE headquarters and administration.
- AIE and AIE Institute teaching facilities.
- Industry partner / Work Integrated Learning spaces.
- Student production halls, workshops, and associated production facilities.
- Filming tank/studio.
- School of Cinematic Arts and School of Business.
- Student accommodation.
- Student amenities and supportive services including services such as cafeteria, physical and mental health services.
- End of trip facilities.
- Parking.
- Landscaped areas.
Work integrated learning (WIL) will be a primary feature of the revitalisation of the Watson Campus. The site will feature up to two 'big box' student production halls with associated production facilities, workshop and outdoor filming tank.
As capacity is grown in the ACT region, any larger, fully commercial sound stages will be built elsewhere.
AIE is making a significant contribution to the cost of two new multi-purpose courts within the community green space.
AIE is also drafting an event mode strategy to encourage wider community involvement with the new campus facilities.
Our goal in the design process is to make this truly affordable student accommodation that is also attractive to look at. We would not commence the development application until we had community support on size and positioning.
The ACT Government's future site uses consultation suggested that multi-level development was supported if it resulted in the preservation of more green space. Because AIE are only acquiring a smaller portion of the site, student accommodation will need to be the maximum permissible height which is up-to 4 stories.
The building of student accommodation would be staged over a period of time up until project completion in 2040.
At present 206 car parking spaces are provided in two parking areas. An assessment is being conducted to ensure that sufficient car parking spaces are provided as student demand increases over the staged development program.
At present car parking is free and we know this is attractive to our students and CTP tenants. Our goal is to keep the car parking free. However, if we had to build a multi-level or underground car-park due to a community desire to maintain a larger portion of green space, we are likely to have to charge for car parking to help off-set the costs. Our ideal model would be to build affordable ground level or undercroft car parking and keep the car parking free.
The AIE has been managing this site under license agreement for over 20 years. The AIE's National Headquarters, Canberra Campus and Online Campus are all run from this facility.
Our former head licence had a 12 month notice to vacate clause which is problematic as our courses run for up to 3 years. We would also like to start running degree courses which require us to have a more permanent facility (our application to the regulator to become a degree granting institution is currently being reviewed).
We have invested several million dollars into the site during our tenancy to retro-fit some of the internal spaces. We would like to make further improvements for our students and tenants including student accommodation. By owning the site, it would provide the necessary security and peace of mind for the AIE, and it would enable the organization to invest its surpluses and donor grants to further revitalise this facility and create jobs for our graduates.
Circa 2011 we canvased the idea of acquiring the land and buildings to grow the Watson Education Precinct with the then Education Minister (Andrew Barr). The Ministers reaction was encouraging of our idea, so we started preparing a more formal application which was never submitted due to a new process being introduced for unsolicited proposals.
In 2014 we applied under the new process to acquire the site. The ACT Government has since been evaluating our proposal.
In 2018 the ACT Government undertook extensive consultation with the community to determine if there is community support for the redevelopment and revitalisation of this site as a higher education and enhanced community precinct, which would include student accommodation and preserve public green space for the whole community to enjoy.
In 2019, The ACT Government announced their decision to:
- demolish and remediate buildings on the site, prior to sale;
- retain responsibility for public green space, including any upgrade and ongoing
maintenance; and - enter into direct negotiations with AIE with a view to reaching agreement on the terms for the direct sale of land to AIE.
In mid 2020, the ACT Government and AIE reached agreement on the terms of a direct sale which will involve a two-stage sale process that will enable AIE to maintain business continuity in the existing buildings on the site while it constructs new facilities, and to allow for necessary demolition and remediation of site contamination.
AIE's Property division met with CTP tenants ion the 25th of August 2020 to provide them with an update on negotiations with the ACT Government. The AIE Property team will continue to keep CTP tenants informed as new information becomes available. Tenants should contact AIE Property for more information.
Established in 1996, the AIE ran a Certificate 4 course in 3D Animation at the Canberra Institute of Technology Watson campus. From there, the school grew quite quickly. With the closure of CIT Watson Campus, the AIE approached the ACT Government with the plan of establishing Canberra Technology Park to offer low cost accommodation to Canberra start-up businesses to help grow the creative industries and local economy. AIE began managing the site under a commercial master license that was renewed in 2011 up until 2021. Over the years the AIE has established campuses in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Online, Seattle and Lafayette.
We are a not for profit education institution focused on the 3D Animation, Visual Effects (VFX) and Video Games industry. Part of our charter is to help grow these industries for the benefit of our students across Australia.
We have been behind the establishment of the Game Developers' Association of Australia (GDAA), the Australian Game Developers Industry conference (AGDC), and most recently our student AIE Incubators in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Canberra. We have helped create thousands of new smart jobs across Australia and have a strong record of success.
We have also established not for profit schools in Seattle and Lafayette because of overwhelming community demand for education that is tightly aligned with job creation.
We assist our graduates by providing them with non-repayable cash grants and free office space as part of our industry development efforts. We do not profit from these efforts; we don’t take shares or ownership of their intellectual property or other forms of inducements. We re-invest surpluses to help develop the games and visual effects industry and improve opportunities for our students and graduates. As a not for profit educator, we believe that we have a responsibility to our students in helping them find jobs or create their own start up business opportunities.
We have helped create over 95 student led company start-ups across Australia over the last 6 years and have many happy and productive graduates. We are now rolling out our not for profit "Game Plus" co-working space for student led game development start-ups. We are also excited to be planning our new not for profit venture (located within CTP) "Film Plus", a visual effects and post production facility to work on industry partner feature films. Film Plus will help provide hundreds of job opportunities to Canberra's young talent.
We have been on this site since 1996. That's over 20 years!
No. The AIE is a not for profit, registered training organisation that runs nationally accredited courses. John De Margheriti is the Chairman and co-CEO of the AIE and has never been a property developer. His industry background is in computer game development, film visual effects and middle-ware technology.
Yes. Students from all over Australia study at the Canberra Campus. Examples include: Dubbo in the north, Albury / Victorian Border in the south, the coast up to Wollongong in the east and Wagga Wagga and Griffith in the west.
Also, students from Western Australia, Queensland and the Northern Territory often prefer to study at the AIE Canberra Campus.
With the addition of on-site student accommodation, the Canberra Campus would also be able to receive students located nationally that are not located close to an AIE Campus.
The AIE is registered for the Commonwealth register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) and can accept international students. In the past, a small number of students have enrolled from China, Canada, USA, India, UK, France, Japan, Korea and South America. Student exchange programs with our USA sister campuses are a potential area of exploration for AIE’s Canberra Campus.
The AIE, Australian Catholic University (ACU), Dickson College, Rosary Primary School and Majura Primary school are all within close proximity of each other.
The potential for collaboration with other education providers in this non-CBD setting is one of the many opportunities for school students, people choosing gaming and film as a career and teachers in the area.
AIE is an approved VET Student loans provider. The VET Student Loans program allows eligible students enrolled into AIE's approved full time courses to defer part of the cost of their tuition fees. The courses are subject to a maximum loan cap and students are required to pay fees over and above the set funding cap. Depending on the study pathway the student chooses, the loan can cover from a third to a half of the tuition fees.
Community engagement opportunities to date have included 30 November 2020 (10.30am) Key Stakeholder Online Update; 9 February 2021 (11am) Online Presentation; 25 February 2021 (3pm-8pm) Drop-in Sessions; 27 February 2021 (10am) Watson Shops Pop-up.
We have been invited to attend the Watson Community Association public meeting at 7:30 pm on the 10th of March and are delighted to attend.
Coming up are 11 March 2021 (5.30pm) Watson Shops Pop-up; and 24 March 2021 (6pm) Reporting/Feedback Online.
We are of course taking feedback via our AIE Community Website no matter what the time of day or night! https://community.aie.edu.au/
Depending on the internal design and configuration, student accommodation in the first stage could fit a maximum of 220 students.
Student accommodation in later stages is subject to demand. AIE’s draft Campus Master Plan has provision for up to 165 students in Stage 2 and up to 215 students in the final stage to be completed by 2040.
The residential student accommodation is set well back from neighbouring residents to minimise the transfer of noise. The potential noise transfer is further minimised through appropriate construction materials including double glazing on windows and a landscaping buffer. Internal function spaces will be provided for larger gatherings and will be subject to an application process.
An operational framework will be implemented by AIE’s Facilities Management division that will include a Student Residential Handbook and Residential Code of Conduct that will clearly set expectations of students regarding noise (in line with regulated noise standards for residential areas) and appropriate behaviour. There will be a clear process for the resolution of complaints and appeals related to student residences.
In response to key matters raised by immediate neighbours regarding the potential night-time noise from the student accommodation courtyards, our consultant team is working to come up with further options to relieve this concern.
AIE is making a significant contribution to the cost of new multi-purpose courts that will be located within the adjacent community green space. The ACT Government will be responsible for their ongoing management and upkeep.
AIE will maintain the Campus portion of the site and the ACT Government will maintain the community green space including the multi-purpose/tennis-courts and any facilities erected on that portion of the site.
All modes of active travel are encouraged including walking and cycling. End of trip facilities will also be available for users of the site. Local residents will have continued access through the site.
AIE is committed to ensuring appropriate on-site carparking provision as a key design value.
Car parking will be influenced through a range of measures including:
- encouraging active travel (walking and bicycle) via end of trip facilities,
- encouraging use of personal mobility devices such as electric scooters and electric bikes,
- access to public transport (Light Rail and Bus),
- provision of on-site car share vehicles,
- ‘kiss and ride’ drop-off points,
- restrictions on provision of student accommodation car parking, at grade car parking and basement carparking.
A detailed calculation has been undertaken by a traffic engineer to forecast the car parking demands for each of the various user groups (e.g., commuting staff, commuting students, students living on-campus) to ensure car parking meets AIE’s needs, avoids overflow into surrounding residential streets and supports sustainable travel choices.
The current draft Campus Master Plan includes 340 parking spaces (110 on grade).
AIE is proposing to utilise temporary on-site carparking on Block B until the commencement of the final stage of development which provides the basement level parking.
The staged development also provides the opportunity for AIE to re-assess requirements at each stage throughout the Campus Master Plan to make any necessary adjustments to the number of basement level parking spaces.
In response to key matters raised by the community including controlling car parking overflow into suburban streets, AIE has no objection to the communities’ suggestion of additional no-parking signs being placed in surrounding residential streets as an enforceable measure, noting that the decision and implementation of this would be under the remit of the ACT Government.
AIE propose to form a partnership with a car share operator to provide several publicly available car share pods on the campus which have been shown to significantly reduce car ownership rates.
Parking allocated to students living on campus is calculated at 20% of residential students, minus an estimated number using carshare.
See also "How much Carparking will be Provided?".
The Tree Strategy presented considers a more detailed tree assessment that was undertaken in 2018 and the existing tree ratings and amenity based on a more recent visual inspection in 2021.
- Existing tree rating and amenity is shown on page 12 of the 25th of February 2021 Presentation.
- Existing tree canopy coverage is shown on page 13 of the 25th of February 2021 Presentation.
- The Tree Strategy is shown on page 26 of the 25th of February 2021 Presentation.
- The proposed Canopy coverage is shown on page 34 of the 25th of February 2021 Presentation.
- The proposed trees and existing trees are clearly depicted on pages 42 to 47 (see legend on page 42) of the 25th of February 2021 Presentation.
In response to key matters raised by the community in relation to maintaining the tree canopy, we have requested permission from the ACT Government to disclose their 2018 tree assessment (pending approval) and are working to formalise the 2021 visual inspection of the current health and amenity of the trees.
A key quality indicator in the brief for AIE’s construction tenders will be history of the bidding company’s compliance with tree protection.
The buildings on the site are known to contain residual asbestos. The ongoing use of the buildings is currently managed in accordance with an Asbestos Management Plan.
The ACT Government has decided it will demolish and remediate the buildings prior to sale. A two-stage sale process has been developed that will enable AIE to maintain business continuity in the existing buildings on the site while it constructs new facilities, and to allow for necessary demolition and remediation of site contamination.
Yes. Appropriate student amenities will be an important feature of the site. Initially, there is likely to be a café, gym, and wellbeing services and these will also be accessible to the public. As the student and staff population increases, additional amenities will be incorporated into other buildings on the site to service the diverse Campus population and avoid placing strain on the existing shopping centre.
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