Thank you to everyone who participated in AIE's recent consultation. We have submitted our revised Future Intentions Plan for consideration and are awaiting an outcome. We will continue to take the feedback received into consideration when preparing the DA set of documents for Stage 1.
There are currently no new consultations open, scroll further down the page to view previous consultations held.
Current Consultation
No current consultations.
We are listening to you!
During our Future Intentions Plan consultations, we heard a mixture of things.
Based on the ACT Government’s 2018 Survey and resulting ‘What We Heard Report’ and their Final Report:
85% support for the redevelopment and revitalisation of the site a s a higher education and enhanced community precinct including student accommodation
- Traffic and Parking is a major concern to residents.
- There is strong support for higher multi-level student accommodation if it means more green space can be preserved.
- Strong support to preserve as much open space as possible.
- Concern over a potential loss of community facilities.
Click hear to view their Final Report.
Based on early input we sought from the National Capital Design review Panel (NCDRP), key elements the AIE should consider include:
- Tree preservation.
- Pedestrian and traffic access and movements including parking.
- The function of the site as a destination in a suburban context and how its use fits within Canberra's broader education and arts community.
- The incorporation of high-quality landscape and public places.
- The need to ensure integration with the green space design being undertaken by the ACT Government.
Based on community feedback received to date, we have updated our FAQs which can be viewed on the About page. We also delivered a feedback report to the community on the 24th of March 2021 via an online meeting. A copy of this presentation is provided in the Future Intentions Plan Document Library - see AIE Community Consultation Feedback 24 march 2021.
How are we responding?
We have engaged Tania Parkes Consulting to guide us through the process of properly undertaking a meaningful community consultation process. We responded through a variety of measures which included personal responses, published summary reports and adjusting and finessing our Future Intentions Plan.
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